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2020-05-22  点击:[]










1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,31600152NAC转录因子调控荔枝果柄离区细胞凋亡的机理研究,2017.1-2019.1221万,主持;

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2017M622713,荔枝NAC转录因子LcNAC1参与果实脱落的功能分析,2017.10-2019.105万,主持;

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2015M572329,荔枝幼果脱落过程中离区分化的细胞和分子调控机制研究,2015.5-2017.55万,主持;


1. Zhao M L*, Li C Q*(并列第一), Ma X S, Xia R, Chen JY, Liu XC, Ying PY, Peng MJ, Wang J, Shi CLLi JG. KNOX protein LcKNAT1 regulates fruitlet abscission in litchi by repressing the ethylene biosynthetic genes. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020, eraa162, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa162.SCIIF=5.354

2. Li C Q*, Zhao M L*, Ma X S*, Wen Z X, Ying P Y, Peng M J, Ning X P, Xia R, Wu H, Li J G. The HD-Zip transcription factor LcHB2 regulates litchi fruit abscission through the activation of two cellulase genes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70 (19): 5189-5203.SCIIF=5.354

3. Ma X S*, Li C Q*(并列第一), Ying P Y, Zhao M L, Li J G. Involvement of HD-Zip I transcription factor LcHB2 and LcHB3 in fruitlet abscission by promoting transcription of genes related to the biosynthesis of ethylene and ABA in litchi. Tree Physiology, 2019, 39(9): 1600-1613.SCIIF=3.389

4. Li C Q, Wang Y, Ying P Y, Ma W Q, Li J G. Genome-wide digital transcript analysis of putative fruitlet abscission related genes regulated by ethephon in litchi. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6, 502.SCIIF=4.495

5. Li C Q*, Wang Y*, Huang X M, Li J, Wang H C, Li J G. An improved fruit transcriptome and the identification of the candidate genes involved in fruit abscission induced by carbohydrate stress in litchi. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6, 439.SCIIF=4.495

6. Li C Q, Wang Y, Huang X M, Li J, Wang H C, Li J G. De novo assembly and characterization of fruit transcriptome in Litchi chinensis Sonn. and analysis of differentially regulated genes in fruit in response to shading. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 552.SCIIF=4.041

7. Xia R*, Li C Q* (并列第一), Lu W J, Du J, Wang Z H, Li J G.3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 1 (HMG1) is highly associated with the cell division during the early stage of fruit development which determines the final fruit size in Litchi chinensis. Gene, 2012, 498(1): 28-35. 共同第一作者(SCIIF=2.196

8. Li C Q, Ying P Y, Chen L, Li J G, Lu W J. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of LcHMG3 gene encoding a 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A Reductase from Litchi chinensis. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029, 101-108.ISTP

9. 李彩琴, 王泽槐, 徐咏珊, 张劲霭, 李建国. 流式细胞术细胞核分离缓冲液的改良及大, 小果型荔枝幼果和果皮细胞分裂活性比较. 园艺学报, 2011, 38(9): 1781-1790.(中国核心期刊

10. 李建国,王惠聪,周碧燕,赵明磊,李彩琴,夏瑞,黄旭明.荔枝花果发育生理和分子生物学研究进展. 华南农业大学学报, 201940(5): 119-127

11. Zhang Y Q, Zeng Z H, Chen C J, Li C Q, Xia R, Li J G. Genome-wide characterization of the auxin response factor (ARF) gene family of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.): phylogenetic analysis, miRNA regulation and expression changes during fruit abscission. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e6677. SCI

12. Peng M J, Ying P Y, Liu X C, Li C Q, Xia R, Li J G, Zhao M L. Genome-wide identification of histone modifiers and their expression patterns during fruit abscission in litchi. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8, 639. SCI

13. 吴建阳, 李彩琴, 李建国. 荔枝ACS1基因的分离及其与幼果落果的关系. 果树学报, 2017, 34(7): 817-827. (中国核心期刊

14. Ying P Y, Li C Q, Liu X C, Xia R, Zhao M L, Li J G. Identifcation and molecular characterization of an IDA-like gene from litchi, LcIDL1, whose ectopic expression promotes oral organ abscission in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:37135. SCI

15. 吴建阳, 李彩琴, 陆旺金, 李建国. 荔枝ACO1基因克隆及其与幼果落果的关系. 果树学报, 2013, 30(2): 207-213. (中国核心期刊

16. Kuang J F, Wu J Y, Zhong H Y, Li C Q, Chen J Y, Lu W J, Li J G. Carbohydrate stress affecting fruitlet abscission and expression of genes related to auxin signal transduction pathway in litchi. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13 (12): 16084- 16103. SCI

17. 吴建阳, 彭刚, 李彩琴, 陆旺金, 王泽槐, 李建国. 快速高效提取荔枝幼果和离区组织RNA的新方法. 园艺学报, 2011, 38(6): 1191-1196. (中国核心期刊

18. Zhong H Y, Chen J W, Li C Q, Chen L, Wu J Y, Chen J Y, Lu W J, Li J G. Selection of reliable reference genes for expression studies by reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR in litchi under different experimental conditions. Plant Cell Reports, 2011, 30(4): 641-653. SCI



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