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2020-07-21  点击:[]








2004.09-2008.07  南昌大学 生物科学专业 学士

2008.09-2012.08  香港大学 生命科学系 博士

2012.09-2014.03  香港大学 研究助理及博士后

2014.03-2019.07  中国科学院华南植物园 助理研究员、陈焕镛副研究员

2017.09-2018.09  美国佛罗里达大学 访问学者

2019.08至今     太阳集团1088vip 仲恺青年学者







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 狭义暗罗属(番荔枝科)的分类学研究, 60万,2019.01~2022.12,主持,在研

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,番荔枝科独子木属的分子系统发育研究:探索高分化速率与性状演化及生物地理的相关性,25万,2015.01~2017.12,主持,已结题

3. 中荷主题科研合作计划 (Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme):番荔枝科国际合作项目研讨会,2015.10,项目中方PI,已结题



1. Xue, B., Shao, Y.Y., Xiao, C.F., Liu, M.F., Li, Y.Q. *, Tan, Y.H.*, 2021. Meiogyne oligocarpa (Annonaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China. PeerJ 9, e10999.

2. Xue, B., Suberkti, N., Xu, Y., Li, Y.Q.*, 2021. Excluding the species Monoon fragrans (Annonaceae) from the flora of China. Phytotaxa 487, 9196.

3. Wang, Q.-L., Zhang, H., Shao, Y.-Y., Wang, Z.-N., Xue, B.*, 2021. A second species of Pseuduvaria in China: the identity of the enigmatic species Meiogyne kwangtungensis. PhytoKeys 172, 115.

4. Xue, B., Wang, L.-Y., Yao, G.*, 2020. Re-lectotypification of Shivparvatia glanduligera, the type of the genus Shivparvatia (Alsineae, Caryophyllaceae). PhytoKeys 166, 129134.

5. Xue, B.*, Chen, Y.W., Saunders, R.M.K., 2020. Phylogenetic relationships of 'Polyalthia' in Fiji. PhytoKeys 165, 99–113.

6. Xue, B., Ding, H.-B., Yao, G., Shao, Y.-Y., Fan, X.-J., Tan, Y.-H. *, 2020. From Polyalthia to Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae): transfer of species enlarges a previously monotypic genus. PhytoKeys 148, 71–91.

7. Xue, B.#, Guo, X. #, Landis, J.B., Sun, M., Tang, C.C., Soltis, P.S., Soltis, D.E., Saunders, R.M.K. *, 2020. Accelerated diversification correlated with functional traits shapes extant diversity of the early divergent angiosperm family Annonaceae. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 142, 106659.

8. Xue, B. *, Tan, Y.H. *, Thomas, D.C., Chaowasku, T., Hou, X.L., Saunders, R.M.K., 2018. A new Annonaceae genus, Wuodendron, provides support for a post-boreotropical origin of the Asian-Neotropical disjunction in the tribe Miliuseae. Taxon 67, 250–266.

9. Xue, B., Ye, D.P., Shao, Y.Y., Tan, Y.H. *, 2017. Polyalthia yingjiangensis (Annonaceae): a new species from the China/Myanmar border. Nordic Journal of Botany 35, 476–481.

10. Xue, B.*, Liu, M.-F., Saunders, R.M.K., 2017. The nomenclatural demise of Oncodostigma (Annonaceae): the remaining species transferred to Meiogyne. Phytotaxa 309, 297–298.

11. Xue, B.*, 2017. Trigonotis doormanensis, a new name for Trigonotis vestita P.Royen (Boraginaceae). Phytotaxa 296, 195196.

12. Xue, B. *, Shao, Y.Y., Saunders, R.M.K., Tan, Y.H. *, 2017. Alphonsea glandulosa (Annonaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. PLoS One 12, art. e0170107.

13. Xue, B. *, Tan, Y.H., Ye, X.E., 2016. The identity of Polyalthia florulenta (Annonaceae): a second species of Wangia in China. Phytotaxa 283, 163–171.

14. Xue, B., Tan, Y.H. *, 2016. Excluding Miliusa velutina (Annonaceae) from Flora of China. Phytotaxa 282, 166–169.

15. 薛彬娥, 叶幸儿, 郭微*, 2021. 富宁附地菜果实形态特征及其分类学意义. 热带亚热带植物学报 29, 8286.

16. 谭运洪,陈雨晴,薛彬娥*. 2017.中国瓜馥木属(番荔枝科)一新记录种.热带亚热带植物学报 25(3):285287. 



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